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Principală » 2011 » Februarie » 20 » In their sleep (2010) filme online
4:06 PM
In their sleep (2010) filme online

Few horror/thriller films can surprise nowadays. I started watching Dans ton sommeil without any foreknowledge and still managed to be always ahead of the story.

The plot is simple, the characters we have seen in countless similar genre movies. There is a twist of some sorts around halfway of the story but it’s something at least half a dozen films have employed recently, if not more, indie and mainstream thrillers alike. With all these familiar elements I just can’t fathom why the filmmakers bother at all.

Directing is okay, as is cinematography. Acting is great throughout, Anne Parillaud excels as tormented mother Sarah. Arthur Dupont brings out the best of the role he is given. Again – their efforts serve a pedestrian story.

Clearly, there is real talent involved in the making of this film. Like so often, it’s the way too predictable script that makes the whole experience less than worthwhile. Even with a blissfully brief running time it’s a strain to sit through. Once you figure out what’s going on, everything happens just the way you’d expect from a European film of this genre.

Categorie: Horror | Vizualizări: 349 | Adăugat de: apocalipseyt | Tag-uri: In their sleep (2010) filme online | Rating: 0.0/0